Carl Jones, Award winning International Creative Director & mentor of all that's great about advertising.
Biografía en Español abajo.

Carl is a bilingual, multicultural “tradigital” advertising & communications professional and also a postgrad student researching a PhD at the Royal College of Art in London, UK RCA. He is a forward thinker, driven to make things happen by applying social design thinking to Advertising communication.
Selected one of the Top 20 Canadian creative directors 2012 by Strategy Magazine;
Nominated for "Excellence in Teaching" at OCAD University, and University of Westminster and 'Educational Experience Award' in 2020. Silver winner at RCA (Royal College of Art) 3 Minute Thesis Competition, and Invited Grand Jury member PHNX by AdForum. Cannes Lions winner and Cannes Lions Jury member and one of the most awarded art directors in Mexican Advertising. Carl is also a research member at University of Westminster’s Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI), a world-leading centre in the study of media and communication and renowned for its critical and international research; Carl also judged the American Advertising Awards (ADDYs) 2024, UK Advertising Association for UK reps in Cannes Young Lions, and FAB awards. In total Carl and his teams have shot over 1,000 TV ads.
Carl’s content creation for clients GlaxoSmithKline, Playtex, Captain Morgan combined with his own projects The Global Mood Clock, and El Crayolas have generated millions of dollars in earned media. Carl is not only a content expert but is agile in adapting to new technology and new directions in the communications field.
In Toronto Carl was V.P. Executive Creative Director at Grey Canada. He was responsible for mass and digital creative that won: Cannes, Clio's, LIAA, ADCC, Marketing, ADCC, and One Show. Grey’s radio campaign for “Special Olympics” was the most recognized radio campaign in Canada when released.
The most awarded art director in the Mexican advertising industry 1995-2010, and the first Art Director to be elected President of the Mexican Creative Club. Carl was Creative Director (CD) on the advertising for Alka-Seltzer, which became the country's most awarded campaign of all times. Carl created the publicity for the Dali Lama's tour of Mexico. He was CD for the Frito-Lay's TV ad "grandparents", which was the first Latin American commercial shown during the Super Bowl. This TV ad was voted one of the year's “top 5” in the newspaper USA Today’s public poll. During his 10 years at BBDO Mexico, it became the most awarded agency, and 4-time winner of the title "Agency of the Year."
As General Creative Director of Y&R Mexico, Carl helped lead the agency to be named "International Agency of the Year", and winning its first Cannes lion. He also opened Y&R Digital, and was CD for Sudler & Hennessy healthcare.
Carl’s advertising creative has been exhibited in: Royal Ontario Museum Toronto; Museo Franz Mayer Mexico City, and is part of the permanent collection of Fundacion Televisa in Mexico, one of Latin America's top three art collections.
Outside of the agency business, Jones is Senior Lecturer & Liaison Tutor at the University of Westminster in London, England, teaching Practise and Theory Modules related to Advertising and PR. He also taught User Interface, UX and Visual Concepts at Miami Ad School in Mexico City & Miami. He is recognized globally as an authority on advertising, being invited to give seminars on four continents in ten countries such as Clio’s Asia, Canada's Marketing Week, and at Syracuse University USA; ; Edgehill University UK, and as Keynote speaker at Ibero University in Mexico City. He has been Interviewed by major publications and media channels such as the BBC; BBC Mundo; The Telegraph; The Face; Reforma; and research published on The Conversation.
At the Royal College of Art, Jones’s PhD research on " Decolonizing Advertising" sets out to redefine the concept of advertising through his analysis of the political economy of race in Mexico, and its manifestation through the spectacle of advertising. Recently he posted 4,000 posters in Mexico City challenging the advertising community to produce less racist messaging. With headlines such as ‘Whites are 10% of the population but are in 70% of the ads’. Carl uses semiotics as a research method and was elected as ‘Executive Committee Member’ for the International Association of Semiotic Studies IASS/AIS representing Great Britain 2019-2024.
In Jones contributed to the book "Hacker, Maker, Teacher, Thief: Advertising's Next Generation" published in London, by Creative Social, and his business paper on P&G's Mr Clean brand was presented at the Marketing Semiotics Roundtable during the 12th World Congress of Semiotics at the New Bulgarian University in Sofia, and the paper "Racism & Classism in Mexican Advertising" was presented at Semiosis in Communication conference in Bucharest, Romania and at the 14th Global Semiotics Congress in Buenos Aires. 'Encoding Design" based on his El Crayolas project was presented in Cyprus and published by Cambridge Scholars . Carl recently presented his research into Decolonising Advertising at the 4th annual Semiotics and Communication conference. Some of his papers can be read here at Academia.org.
Carl has been a judge at the world’s major advertising award shows: Clio’s, London Advertising Festival, New York festivals, EFFIES, Grand Jury of PHNX and Cannes. In total Carl has won over 500 awards and recognitions including Cannes and D&AD, proof that Carl W. Jones is a forward thinker, and driven to make things happen.
This portfolio on this web page cohesively brings together Jones' decolonial work across advertising campaigns, activist art interventions, academic writings, and personal artistic practice. It showcases how he challenges colonial biases and lack of representation through strategic visual disruptions and centering of marginalized voices and perspectives.
Whether commercial advertising work or confrontational art projects, Jones' creative output consistently aligns with his academic focus on 'Decolonizing advertising through diversity' by dismantling its racist narratives and Eurocentric foundations. His artistic methods serve as provocations for the industry to reckon with its colonial legacies.
Specialties: Creative/Art Direction, Academic, Semiotics, Teaching, Content Creation, Contemporary Artist, Branding, Thought Leader, Mentor, User Experience, UI, Concept, Communication, Healthcare, Consumer Products, Brand & Identity, Culture, and Research.
Please visit the other pages on this site to see examples of Carl's creative expressions and research. #humblebrag
Selected one of the Top 20 Canadian creative directors 2012 by Strategy Magazine;
Nominated for "Excellence in Teaching" at OCAD University, and University of Westminster and 'Educational Experience Award' in 2020. Silver winner at RCA (Royal College of Art) 3 Minute Thesis Competition, and Invited Grand Jury member PHNX by AdForum. Cannes Lions winner and Cannes Lions Jury member and one of the most awarded art directors in Mexican Advertising. Carl is also a research member at University of Westminster’s Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI), a world-leading centre in the study of media and communication and renowned for its critical and international research; Carl also judged the American Advertising Awards (ADDYs) 2024, UK Advertising Association for UK reps in Cannes Young Lions, and FAB awards. In total Carl and his teams have shot over 1,000 TV ads.
Carl’s content creation for clients GlaxoSmithKline, Playtex, Captain Morgan combined with his own projects The Global Mood Clock, and El Crayolas have generated millions of dollars in earned media. Carl is not only a content expert but is agile in adapting to new technology and new directions in the communications field.
In Toronto Carl was V.P. Executive Creative Director at Grey Canada. He was responsible for mass and digital creative that won: Cannes, Clio's, LIAA, ADCC, Marketing, ADCC, and One Show. Grey’s radio campaign for “Special Olympics” was the most recognized radio campaign in Canada when released.
The most awarded art director in the Mexican advertising industry 1995-2010, and the first Art Director to be elected President of the Mexican Creative Club. Carl was Creative Director (CD) on the advertising for Alka-Seltzer, which became the country's most awarded campaign of all times. Carl created the publicity for the Dali Lama's tour of Mexico. He was CD for the Frito-Lay's TV ad "grandparents", which was the first Latin American commercial shown during the Super Bowl. This TV ad was voted one of the year's “top 5” in the newspaper USA Today’s public poll. During his 10 years at BBDO Mexico, it became the most awarded agency, and 4-time winner of the title "Agency of the Year."
As General Creative Director of Y&R Mexico, Carl helped lead the agency to be named "International Agency of the Year", and winning its first Cannes lion. He also opened Y&R Digital, and was CD for Sudler & Hennessy healthcare.
Carl’s advertising creative has been exhibited in: Royal Ontario Museum Toronto; Museo Franz Mayer Mexico City, and is part of the permanent collection of Fundacion Televisa in Mexico, one of Latin America's top three art collections.
Outside of the agency business, Jones is Senior Lecturer & Liaison Tutor at the University of Westminster in London, England, teaching Practise and Theory Modules related to Advertising and PR. He also taught User Interface, UX and Visual Concepts at Miami Ad School in Mexico City & Miami. He is recognized globally as an authority on advertising, being invited to give seminars on four continents in ten countries such as Clio’s Asia, Canada's Marketing Week, and at Syracuse University USA; ; Edgehill University UK, and as Keynote speaker at Ibero University in Mexico City. He has been Interviewed by major publications and media channels such as the BBC; BBC Mundo; The Telegraph; The Face; Reforma; and research published on The Conversation.
At the Royal College of Art, Jones’s PhD research on " Decolonizing Advertising" sets out to redefine the concept of advertising through his analysis of the political economy of race in Mexico, and its manifestation through the spectacle of advertising. Recently he posted 4,000 posters in Mexico City challenging the advertising community to produce less racist messaging. With headlines such as ‘Whites are 10% of the population but are in 70% of the ads’. Carl uses semiotics as a research method and was elected as ‘Executive Committee Member’ for the International Association of Semiotic Studies IASS/AIS representing Great Britain 2019-2024.
In Jones contributed to the book "Hacker, Maker, Teacher, Thief: Advertising's Next Generation" published in London, by Creative Social, and his business paper on P&G's Mr Clean brand was presented at the Marketing Semiotics Roundtable during the 12th World Congress of Semiotics at the New Bulgarian University in Sofia, and the paper "Racism & Classism in Mexican Advertising" was presented at Semiosis in Communication conference in Bucharest, Romania and at the 14th Global Semiotics Congress in Buenos Aires. 'Encoding Design" based on his El Crayolas project was presented in Cyprus and published by Cambridge Scholars . Carl recently presented his research into Decolonising Advertising at the 4th annual Semiotics and Communication conference. Some of his papers can be read here at Academia.org.
Carl has been a judge at the world’s major advertising award shows: Clio’s, London Advertising Festival, New York festivals, EFFIES, Grand Jury of PHNX and Cannes. In total Carl has won over 500 awards and recognitions including Cannes and D&AD, proof that Carl W. Jones is a forward thinker, and driven to make things happen.
This portfolio on this web page cohesively brings together Jones' decolonial work across advertising campaigns, activist art interventions, academic writings, and personal artistic practice. It showcases how he challenges colonial biases and lack of representation through strategic visual disruptions and centering of marginalized voices and perspectives.
Whether commercial advertising work or confrontational art projects, Jones' creative output consistently aligns with his academic focus on 'Decolonizing advertising through diversity' by dismantling its racist narratives and Eurocentric foundations. His artistic methods serve as provocations for the industry to reckon with its colonial legacies.
Specialties: Creative/Art Direction, Academic, Semiotics, Teaching, Content Creation, Contemporary Artist, Branding, Thought Leader, Mentor, User Experience, UI, Concept, Communication, Healthcare, Consumer Products, Brand & Identity, Culture, and Research.
Please visit the other pages on this site to see examples of Carl's creative expressions and research. #humblebrag
Jones in the media. Jones en los medios.
Carl Jones: Galardonado director creativo y maestro de todo lo que es genial sobre la publicidad.
La creación de contenido de Carl W. Jones para sus clientes ha generado millones de dólares en cobertura gratuita. De 1995 a 2010, Carl W. Jones fue el Director de Arte más premiado en la industria de la publicidad mexicana, y fue seleccionado por Strategy Magazine como uno de los veinte mejores directores creativos canadienses. En total, ha ganado más de 500 premios y reconocimientos.
Carl W. Jones es reconocido globalmente como una autoridad en publicidad, y ha sido invitado a 12 países para impartir seminarios como Clio's Asia, Círculo Creativo Mexico City, Marketing Magazine Toronto, El Ojo Buenos Aires, y recientemente en la Syracuse University de Estados Unidos y en el Royal College of Art del Reino Unido, y próximamente en El Colegio de Mexico 2021 y en Cyprus en 2022.
En la actualidad, Carl W. Jones da clases en la Licenciatura de Relaciones Públicas y Publicidad en la University of Westminster (UoW), en Londres, y es investigador en el Centro de Investigación CAMRI, (por sus siglas en inglés) de esa misma universidad, el cual es uno de los centros más importantes de investigación en artes visuales y mediáticas, diseño y música. Así mismo, es miembro fundador del grupo de investigación @LASAWw Latin American Studies en Westminster.
Su investigación para la maestría y el doctorado en el Royal College of Art, sobre "Publicidad Descolonizadora", propone redefinir el concepto de publicidad separándolo de una ideología específica. Sus artículos en la prensa sobre racismo y clasismo en la publicidad mexicana se han compartido 7,000 veces sólo en Facebook. Un ejemplo de cómo Carl utiliza el arte para comunicar sus ideas es colocar más de 4000 carteles en varios barrios de la Ciudad de México desafiando a las agencias de publicidad a producir mensajes y contenidos menos racistas. Con titulares como 'Los blancos son el 10% de la población, pero están en el 70% de los anuncios'.
Carl utiliza el "Arte a través de la Investigación" como método para investigar y crear arte. Sus piezas se han exhibido en galerías y museos de la Ciudad de México, Toronto, Londres y otras, y sus trabajos artísticos forman parte de la Colección de Arte de la Fundación Televisa.
Carl W. Jones es reconocido globalmente como una autoridad en publicidad, y ha sido invitado a 12 países para impartir seminarios como Clio's Asia, Círculo Creativo Mexico City, Marketing Magazine Toronto, El Ojo Buenos Aires, y recientemente en la Syracuse University de Estados Unidos y en el Royal College of Art del Reino Unido, y próximamente en El Colegio de Mexico 2021 y en Cyprus en 2022.
En la actualidad, Carl W. Jones da clases en la Licenciatura de Relaciones Públicas y Publicidad en la University of Westminster (UoW), en Londres, y es investigador en el Centro de Investigación CAMRI, (por sus siglas en inglés) de esa misma universidad, el cual es uno de los centros más importantes de investigación en artes visuales y mediáticas, diseño y música. Así mismo, es miembro fundador del grupo de investigación @LASAWw Latin American Studies en Westminster.
Su investigación para la maestría y el doctorado en el Royal College of Art, sobre "Publicidad Descolonizadora", propone redefinir el concepto de publicidad separándolo de una ideología específica. Sus artículos en la prensa sobre racismo y clasismo en la publicidad mexicana se han compartido 7,000 veces sólo en Facebook. Un ejemplo de cómo Carl utiliza el arte para comunicar sus ideas es colocar más de 4000 carteles en varios barrios de la Ciudad de México desafiando a las agencias de publicidad a producir mensajes y contenidos menos racistas. Con titulares como 'Los blancos son el 10% de la población, pero están en el 70% de los anuncios'.
Carl utiliza el "Arte a través de la Investigación" como método para investigar y crear arte. Sus piezas se han exhibido en galerías y museos de la Ciudad de México, Toronto, Londres y otras, y sus trabajos artísticos forman parte de la Colección de Arte de la Fundación Televisa.