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Adforum and PHNX has selected Carl W. Jones to be Grand Jury Panel for the category of STRATEGY AND TECHNIQUE
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Chuffed👌 to be invited to be part of the jury at The FAB Awards, which is a long-running celebration of the best in Food and Beverage Advertising (FAB)🍦 ☕ 🥂 🥧 🥦 🍫 across the Globe 🌎 👍
hashtag#advertising hashtag#creativity hashtag#design Royal College of Art University of Westminster Feliz 👌 de ser invitado a formar parte del jurado de los premios FAB, que es una celebración de lo mejor en publicidad de alimentos y bebidas (FAB) 🍦 ☕ 🥂 🥧 🥦 🍫 en todo el mundo 🌎 👍 more info/mas info aqui: To read article click here.
Carl was selected to be a judge for three prestigeous advertising festivals #CannesYoungLionsUK 🇬🇧 #AddyAwards 🇺🇸#PHNX . . The Advertising Association representing Cannes Lions in UK recruited a fantastic cohort of industry professionals to judge the Young Lions work. The winning teams will be announced w/c 18 March. . Judging categories Film and Print. The six winning teams will be taking part in the Global Young Lions Competition in Cannes in June.🇬🇧 He is also proud to be selected as a Grand Jury Judge at the AdForum PHNX Awards 2024. A unique event, thanks in part to its diverse jury of creatives, industry leaders, marketers, strategists, journalists and consultants. It’s the only jury of its kind in the industry, and I think it really sets them apart in the awards landscape. Carl is judging; PR Strategy, OOH, Print and Film. . ADDYs are the American Advertising Awards and they represent the best in USA advertising . Carl judged the work from Cincinnati #adclub that go into the national awards 👍🏻🇺🇸. Categories such as Social Media, Film, Print. #creativity AdForum #phnx On April 25th The College of Media’s ‘Diversity committee’ within the University of Illinois invited CAMRI member Carl W. Jones to speak to over 100 staff and students about ‘Artificial Intelligence and Digital Media’. Jones talked about how AI is being used by the communication industries to “promote” global companies’ branded messages through “storytelling”. Jones also looked at the potential dangers of AI related to diversity, privacy, ownership, and job replacement.
On May 2nd Jones was filmed by the media production company Massolit who work with “university academics to produce high-quality, curriculum-linked video lectures for GCSE, A Level and IB students and teachers”, around the globe. read more here On 4th February the Mexican newspaper El Economista interviewed Carl on the subject of Creativity and A.I. and asked him How artificial Intelligence (A.I.) will affect the creative industries? Jones responded. “AI will replace jobs in creative areas. However, the difference is that each human being has a personality and a unique form of logic that a robot will never be able to emulate.” The paper then asked How to survive with a job in the creative industries?, Jones responded “…by using technology. One of the useful tools are those of ‘social listening’ where A.I. is used to support human process. More persuasive ideas can arise that are then embodied in branded communication such as Public Relations or Advertising campaigns........ more here
March 2nd 2023 Carl Jones presented his research at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver,Canada @SFU at the 'Media Education Summit' 2023. His paper was exploring 'Resisting advertising through digital activism in order to decolonize the advertising process' featuring @racismoneon as an example
More info can be had at this link link to article here LINK. or read article text below On January 30th Carl jones spoke to an international group of researchers at CityU,Hong Kong about his investigation into myth creation and racial hierarchies within a former colonized nation state. His research examines the tools and techniques used to create the cultural codes within multimodal 2D advertising messages in Mexico. Jones told the Hong Kong audience that according to semioticians Kress & Van Leeuwen, Multimodality refers to the interplay between different representational modes, for instance, between images and written/spoken word. Advertising is a perfect example of MULTIMODAL as much advertising appropriates different ‘representational modes’ such as in outdoor or print advertising using images and written words.
As part of his research process Carl explored the differences in 2D message creation between the lower; middle, and high socio-economic classes, and concluded that Mexican advertising is a racist spectacle, that needs to be decolonized. The following week Jones led a panel for the largest organization devoted to creativity in Mexico called Circulo Creativo de Mexico (Mexican Creative Club) where he discussed his research applying Mignolo’s theory of ‘de-linking’ to advertising to remove racist thinking from the advertising creation process. In the question period that followed he stated that his goal is to bring together academic research and the creative industries so they can learn from each other just like the industries of Law, Architecture and Medicine do, by sharing information, and supporting academic research and education.
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